Hello all!
I’m working on a werewolf adventure as well as the next book in the Kansas Vampire series. Right now, my hours at the day job are part-time so I have an opportunity to fill my days with writing. I can’t go outside in bitterly cold weather and wind chills. My asthma makes it hard to breathe in the cold air.
I’ve had a bit of a time of it over the last few months. We had to have our furnace worked on twice, had to pay for repairs to the pickup truck, had to purchase a new hot water heater because our old one was going out, and had a bit of a time with propane deliveries during bitterly cold weather. Thankfully, so far, there have been no frozen pipes at our house. We still have to buy a new well pump, repair the floor beneath the washer and dryer, and insulate the pipes at the writing office and dance studio. But those projects, along with some major fence repairs are scheduled for warmer weather.
Until next time,