New Year and News

Hello all!

It’s barely been a month since the year started, but there have been several major changes for me. I found a job as an administrative assistant in an electronics store- NOT one of the big box ones. It’s a family business and I am learning about computers, inventory, stock, part numbers, ordering, and filing. I had a good basis of some of these things but now it’s grown exponentially.

I’ve also released several books since this summer. My first of the Kansas Vampire Series- Night Blind- is live, as well as my short story book, Paranormal Bites. One of the stories in  Paranormal Bites is a prequel to the new novel, Night Moves. Light Shards and Shadow Dances is my poetry book. There is also a charity anthology, Surrender in the Darkness, that has a story, Psyched Out, with one of my new characters, Cipri.

Today I am home from work because of freezing rain that changed over to snow. It’s still snowing, four hours later. The roads were icy with a snow-pack and I had a difficult time getting up one hill to get out of town. I decided since I was caught up at work, and my job is a 35 mile commute- one way, I wasn’t going to risk it. Luckily, my boss was okay with it.

I am currently editing my next book in the Kansas Vampire Series. My character, Isys, has finally settled down a bit since her first book was released. Now I just have to figure out how to weave her story in with the rest of the new characters.

I do hope your 2016 has been better than mine has been to me. I promise not to wait so long next time. Stay warm and safe!
