Winter Blues

Hello my lovelies!

I do hope this autumn finds you well. I’m working on the next book in the series as well as waiting for the between-the-books ms to come back from my pro editor.

Psych and Twitch have been in The Little Apple, Manhattan, Kansas, busy on finding out who is trying to kill the leader of the werewolf pack. I included two short stories as well as this novel. I hope you all enjoy it.

The screenplay is in a holding pattern because of… well… LIFE. As soon as I can sit down with the amazing Director and go over the script, it will be a green light, and we will start in earnest.

I apologize for being so quiet lately. The stresses of this year and into next have been a bit of a difficulty and I have a handle on it. It’s not easy having several big events back-to-back in a landmark year but I’m grateful for all of it! I wouldn’t change it for the world!

This weekend we are expecting snow. It may be only flurries, but it’s still snow in early October. It’s on top of 9 inches of rain in the last week. We’ve gone from extreme drought to 2″ above normal pool level at the local reservoir. I will simply put on my fuzzy slippers, soft sweater, and cuddle up with the fur babies beneath a blanket until the sun comes out.

be well! until next time!
