Deep Freeze?

Hello all.
Lately the weather here in Kansas has been mercurial to say the least. Add to that some gray days when my Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is acting up, stress over loss of hours due to no clients, and I tend to be blah. To combat the SAD, I have to sit beneath a special light that mimics sunlight, exercise regularly, and make sure to get my vitamin D. I am sitting under my light right now, looking at the darkening sky, watching the cold wind blow, and waiting to thaw out.
Tomorrow, we are supposed to warm up for the day before plummeting back into the freezer. It’s been a colder than normal first two months of the year. I am hoping that the next couple of months will be a bit more favorable to us.

I have been doing some beta reading for a chap named James K Burk. He has written several books in different genres and a book of short stories. The one I’m reading as a beta is a post-apocalyptic western and it is GOOD. Sci-fi, fantasy, and short stories- he is a man of many genres.
Stay warm. Be good to each other.


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