Winter blues

Hello all!

I’m working on a werewolf adventure as well as the next book in the Kansas Vampire series. Right now, my hours at the day job are part-time so I have an opportunity to fill my days with writing. I can’t go outside in bitterly cold weather and wind chills. My asthma makes it hard to breathe in the cold air.

I’ve had a bit of a time of it over the last few months. We had to have our furnace worked on twice, had to pay for repairs to the pickup truck, had to purchase a new hot water heater because our old one was going out, and had a bit of a time with propane deliveries during bitterly cold weather. Thankfully, so far, there have been no frozen pipes at our house. We still have to buy a new well pump, repair the floor beneath the washer and dryer, and insulate the pipes at the writing office and dance studio. But those projects, along with some major fence repairs are scheduled for warmer weather.

Until next time,

Adrenaline Rush

Yesterday morning I had a nightmare about a screaming horse fighting a dragon. I started my day off with putting the dogs outside and as I was fixing my coffee, someone came down my driveway.
I met her in the dark and rain to hear that one of my horses had been hit on the highway. I ran back inside and grabbed my truck keys and drove over to the scene.
I jumped out of my truck and immediately called to the horses. In the darkness, wind and rain, with flashing lights, it took me five minutes to get close enough to the horses.


I offered the use of my quarantine pen temporarily before I went back home. By now, my fleece sleep shirt and pants were soaked, my slippers were wet, and my heart rate was finally slowing to a more normal rate. I called my babies up and gave them some grain, scratches and pats, and breathed a sigh of relief.
When chores were finished, I was dressed and fed, and storm prep done, another woman drove down my private road to my house. A winter storm with significant ice and snow accumulation was quickly approaching.
The frazzled, panicked, and upset owner of the other horses asked if she could leave the remaining duo of equines in my quarantine area for a while until she could get the fence fixed.
I spent yesterday afternoon making sure my fences were somewhat repaired and the visiting horses are secure.
The visitors will be going home in the next day or two, the storm has passed, my furnace is fixed, my hackers were stopped, and we have propane. I have a stew in the crockpot, fresh bread, hot coffee, and tomorrow the frigid temps and ice will melt off.