Always Busy

Hello all-

So often in my life people comment, “You’re always busy”. I guess I am. I don’t have a full-time job, I don’t turn down work if it’s offered, I have a small indie publishing imprint, and I’m trying to build my brand as an author. My mornings start with getting up and changing the “baby”. (She is my cat with Manx syndrome and is a perfectly normal yellow cat- except her back legs don’t work.)

Farm chores come next. Barn cats to feed, chickens to care for, and Dad’s two elderly horses he left to me need to be tended. Back inside, I feed the baby and her adopted siblings, including a wonderful fluffy Great Pyrenees, and fix my breakfast. While we are eating, I check my emails and messages. If anything needs tending to, I do it. After that, I work on editing other people’s books, editing mine, or getting in some household chores. Job hunting falls in with the computer time. During the week, I shoehorn in time for taking an online dance class, hosting a writer’s meeting, and taking online classes.

around 1 p.m., I fix lunch. My husband gets up (he works nights) and we eat together. He puts the dishes in the dishwasher and the leftovers in the fridge, while I either wash the pans or go back to work.

Right now, I am seriously behind on MY work. I have at least three blog posts, getting the large print versions of at least 7 books up at two places, getting ready for two dance performances, finishing up the stuff needed for the website, and finishing two book covers.

I feel like I don’t get much accomplished in the way of housecleaning, but there are only so many hours in a day. Most people think I work TOO hard. I think I’m not getting enough done. Until my body reminds me I do have a mild but chronic condition (or two).

This week so far, I have managed to get the book Red River Crossing Part 2 up for a young author, Ron Richardson. My kitchen is tidy. My laundry is caught up. I hosted a writer’s meeting yesterday, helped a friend repair her basement window covering, and loaded and unloaded a few chunks of stumps for firewood.

I finished my online work for my client. I think it’s time for me to open the windows, take a short walk and let the chickens out to play, gather the mail, and maybe take a few minutes for me. After all, I did get one blog post done.

until next time-

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