Writer Problems

Hello all-
I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Here in Kansas, the heat has arrived with a vengeance. I think we went from early spring to mid-summer. I hope you are finding some relief from the heat. Mostly, we are hiding out during the hottest parts of the day and doing what we can the rest of the time.
I am hard at work on the sequel to Night Blind. Due to my attention to detail, and my awesome beta readers who are not afraid to call me to task, I am doing some heavy rewrites on Flip Side.
I am so excited to be moving forward on this project and at the same time, feeling frustrated at the sheer amount of work needed to get this book into a rough draft. Luckily, a fellow author put me in touch with a former Titan missile commander and he was able to put some of the details into perspective. Although I am dealing with a decommissioned Atlas F silo, some of the details are the same. Many of them are vastly different.I am having fun and stretching my imagination at the same time.
I quit my third job this summer. It was getting in the way of my writing and it was making my soul weary. For me to be an angel to my home care patients, I have to have some of me left over to give. The job took that away from me.
Anyway, it is late here and I need to get some sleep. Now that I have the internet back up and running and I have my ancient laptop back on line, I should be able to stay in touch more easily.
Thanks for hanging in there with me. I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of you supporting me.
Much love,

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