KLA Musings

I was invited to the KLA Conference by an awesome Miranda Ericsson-Kendall. I am meeting so many neat folks today. Seeing some familiar faces and meeting lots of new friends.

I had a rather frustrating start to the day. I met with the amazing Jo Mach (CHECK OUT HER CHILDREN’S BOOKS) and rode to the KLA with her. I was on time with everything I needed. We got to the hotel, and my keys were missing?! Yes, MISSING!

One panic attack later (Sheila Dalrymple being supportive along with Jo) , one phone call, the support of friends, and I found out I left my keys on the seat of my truck when I parked!! Amazing Alie saved the day, and Jo is my rock of support today. I will be fine when I get home.

Just met Richard Brookman, JR of COMICPOP LIBRARY (comicpoplibrary.com). You’ve got to check these guys out! They have a podcast and review books, comics, and so much more!! Stay tuned because I may be doing a podcast with them sometime in the coming year.

This afternoon is filled with some amazing poetry and bright poets. This is a treat for the ears.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here. Today has been humbling, filled with love, and the support of friends. Today has been richer than I could have ever guessed!

Much love,





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