Hello my freaky ones!

I hope this finds you well and hope things have been wonderful in your lives.

I do realize I have been absent lately. My writer has been super busy with writing, her MULTIPLE day jobs, and all of her other characters.
The good news is that she is in a new anthology set to be released on August 29th, called “Bloody Sexy” edited by Carmilla Voiez. I nabbed the laptop and sneaked a peek at the ARC of the anthology. Talk about some hot stuff! Totally for 18 and over. NOT FOR KIDS! (but for sharing with your lover.) My writer has her story “Tonight” and a poem in the book.

Sometime in the near future, two more of her stories will be released in an anthology “Touched by Shadow, Caressed by Light”. I am STILL waiting to read those stories. No, I’m not in them but some of the other vampires I’ve heard about from my world are in them.

My author also has a novel completed and in edits, and another short novel nearly finished. Round 1 of edits are done on the first book in my series, “Night Blind”. In spite of her inconsistent work hours, she has been hogging the laptop and done little more than write. Oops, I mean she has been hard at work on her novels. All of her stories so far are set here in Kansas.

My writer is also at work on a secret project, possibly with another author. But Angel Edenburn won’t tell me anything about it or who the other author may be. As soon as I overhear any info, I will make sure to tell you, my darkling darlings.

Oops. Time to give the laptop back. My writer’s finished with her bubble bath and ready to go back to work on the edits for “Night Moves”, “Night Blind”, and finish “City Dreams”.

Until next time my dark ones, may good things come your way.

xoxoxx Isis the Vampire