
Hello my lovelies.

In the last few weeks, things have taken off. In a few more weeks, I will be on several panels at ConQuesT in KC. This is new to me, but promises to be a blast.

I sold copies of Night Blind and Flip Side to someone recently, not knowing the implications. Let’s just say, there are talks of turning Night Blind into a movie. Hopefully, in the next couple of years we will be hitting the indie movie festivals.

I also wrote my first screenplay. Sink or swim, I am willing to learn new skills. Night Blind the movie is one step closer to completion.  Check out Night Blind the movie  coming soon! 

New content to be added as we go forward! Stay tuned!

And a big thanks to every single one of you who follows my musings and have been with me from the start.

Gotta run.


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